Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, officially released the date sheet for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Part I & II (9th and 10th Class) 1st Annual Examination 2025. The examination will start from Tuesday, March 18, 2025, as per the notification.
For a proper and disciplined examination process, FBISE has drafted guidelines for the students who are appearing in the examination centers. The most important part of the examination is that the students arrive at the center on time since strict regulations will be adopted in order to provide transparency and not to commit any malpractice. Schedule and Arrival of Students at the Examination Centre Timing of arrival at the examination center is an important aspect of a smooth examination conduct. FBISE directs all students to adhere to the provided instructions in the following order:
1. Reporting Time
•The students are required to reach the examination center at least 30minutes prior to the beginning of the paper.
•Morning Session: Reporting by 08:00 AM (Paper begins at 08:30 AM).
•Evening Session: Reporting by 01:30 PM (Paper begins at 02:00 PM).
•The evening session on Fridays will start at 02:30 PM, hence students need to report by 02:00 PM.
2. Entry and Verification at the Centre
•Students need to show their roll number slips at the entrance gate in order to enter.
•They need to bring a valid student ID card issued by their school.
•Students need to sign the attendance sheet when entering the exam hall.
• Late entry (after 15 minutes past the beginning of the paper) will not be allowed to go inside the examination hall.
3. Necessary Things to Carry to Annual Examination
The following items must be brought by students:
- Roll Number Slip – Compulsory for entry.
- Stationery (Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Sharpeners, Rulers, etc.) – Students must carry additional items in emergency.
- Transparent Geometry Box – Compulsory for Mathematics and Science papers.
- Calculator (if permitted in the subject) – Non-programmable scientific calculators only are allowed for subjects such as Mathematics and Physics.
4. Forbidden Items
To ensure the integrity of the examination, the following are strictly not allowed within the examination hall:
- Mobile Phones & Smartwatches – These are strictly prohibited. Any student found with these devices will be dealt with accordingly.
- Notes, Books, or Extra Papers – It is cheating to bring any unauthorized material.
- Electronic Gadgets – No Bluetooth devices, digital dictionaries, or earphones are permitted.
Annual Examination Rules and Conduct
1. Discipline Inside the Examination Hall
- The students should not speak once inside the exam hall.
- No sort of communication with other students is allowed.
- A student in need of assistance should raise his hand and wait for the invigilator.
2. Answer Sheet Instructions
- Read the questions carefully before beginning the exam.
- Fill in Roll Number, Name, and Subject on the answer sheet correctly.
- Do not tear or mutilate the answer sheet.
- Use blue or black ink to write answers.
3. Malpractice Consequences in Annual Examination
FBISE is strict against malpractice and cheating. If a student is found to be involved in any of the following activities, severe disciplinary action will be taken:
- Copying from an unauthorized source or another student.
- Bringing a mobile phone or any other electronic device into the exam hall.
- Talking to other students.
- Impersonating another candidate.
- Students can be disqualified from the exam and additionally prosecuted by the board if they are found guilty.